The Life & Death of Edward Teach (Part 1)

Nothing is really known about Blackbeards early life. Some historians say he was  born in Bristol, in the late 1600’s.

Some say prior to his days of running as a pirate, he was a British sailor who fought during the Spanish succession (1701-1714). This is what is believed that bought him to the Caribbean during the last great age of piracy.

He and many other pirateer’s used Nassau (South East Of Florida) as their base of operations, where they would rest up, trade & replen ready for their next action of violence.

Spring 1717- Pirate Captin Ben Horngold accompanied by his 2i/c Blackbeard, sales from Nassau  Northwestward to the East cost of America. Seizing and plundering small merchant vessels. This caused a massive hysteria to trading vessels, resupplying settlers with eastern produce.

In August 1717-Blackbeard met Pirate Stede Bonnet during a run ashore. Stede the Gentleman Pirate, incapable of keep a crew together handed command of his ship (The Revenge) over to Edward Teach.

October 1717- Armed with his own crew and ship, Blackbeard heads back out to the American colonies terrorising the East cost. In the space of 3 weeks, Blackbeard and his men captured 15 ships. He killed and tortured anyone who stood in his way. Blackbeard use fear as a weapon, his terrifying reputation caused enemies or retreating ships to quickly surrender.

After creating havoc on the East coast he quickly turned his attention to the Windward Islands in the South Caribbean, Where he captures a French ship La Concorde carrying 516 slaves bound for sugar plantations.

Now commanding one of the most powerful vessels in the region, Blackbeard refits the La Concorde with 40 guns and re-names her The Queen Anne’s Revenge. Blackbeard rampages thought the West Indies with 4 ships and 250 crew, commanding a small army of pirates.

During he rampage of the West Indies Blackbeard:

  • sacks a British war ship, looting anything of value and burning her until she sank.
  • He attacks the French colony of Guadeloupe.
  • Loots and burns the French merchant ship at St Kitts
  • Captures, loots and burns the a British sloop off the cost of St Croix

& then sails too the gulf of Mexico………

He wreaks havoc throughout Mexico & Honduras, attacking, killing, pillaging and burning Spanish ships and fleets.

On returning back to Nassau, morale is low among the crew & his men want gold……..

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1 comment

  • Good hypothesis of Black beard


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